Monday, August 30, 2010

Long Days | Late Nights

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I take off from a long work day or a late club night, I need to hear something that allows me to relax AND rock out at the same time. Difficult to accomplish? Yes, but not impossible...

To Download, click here -----> Long Days | Late Nights

I'll give you 40 minutes to get home. Tell me you don't feel a little better already...


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Creative Control is always a good look. If you have not checked them out yet, your missing out. Click HERE to agree.

Over and out-

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rock The Bells

Good Times. Great Inspiration. J Man, what's good playboy. Phife Diggy, great look homie. You killed everything!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dying to Live

Time waits for no man / Time is money / Life is short / Tomorrow is not promised / Lost time is never found again / Time discovers truth / We say we waste time, but thats impossible. We waste ourselves / You may delay, but time will not...

P.S.A : Live your life to the fullest EVERYDAY...I know I am.

"To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent"

Sonya; the piece was dope. Thanks for sharing-


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Grindin' "Hella" Hard (pause)

Okay. I needed some time to soak this in. After multiple layovers, early mornings, late nights, reality checks, and taco trucks, I am back. BTW, it is AMAZING what can happen in such a short amount of time...Leaguesters...I'm excited. Lets get it. -

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Can See Myself Shining!!

Whether you're a lawyer, doctor, or student...or perhaps you're an athlete, singer, or just a full time dreamer, and haven't made it to that stage in life you want to be on yet...Times when it seems you may never make it there, when the days and nights become long, and you feel all hope is gone...No matter what you get up for every morning, and what the situation may be now, take a second to look in the mirror and tell yourself...


Download my song "Shinin" on the link below produced by the young I.V.L.ifer Zel

~~Tre DeJean "2 Busy Dreamin"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

I moved to California today...


Monday, August 2, 2010

Pace of a Woman

Patience woman patience
Your system needs pacing
Count his efforts
If easily accessible he rids you of your innocence
Walk into love with him
Falling can break your limbs
The impact will never be the same again
Left deserted kissing cement
All because you tripped off of infatuation
Resurrections of highlighted moments
Rekindle past feelings
Attempts to fill voids as you’re reeling
And reeling
And reeling
Only to reveal you’ve been hooked to nothing
The substance unexplored
The hope exists no more
Emptiness at core
Obsessed with what it could have endured
Lost sight of what it truly was
Ignored reality to adore a mere mirage
Massage concepts of my feet planted back on the floor
Head high to meet you eye to eye
Windows of the soul you wiped
I blame you but deep inside
It was I
Vulnerable woman
Desired and fantasized this life
Believed who I made you to be rather than who you presented to me
Disregarded what I did not want to see
Advertently optimistic?
Emotional wreck?
Lack of self-respect?
If I give him sex will he become attached?
Will it terminate what we managed?
Will it change the dynamics?
Help me understand this
Strain myself to give effortlessly
All to make him labor for a piece of me
Both intentions are formed by ourselves in the beginning
The remaining encounters are tests to give these expectations validity
Prove my sanity
Prove me right.