I know
I know...
Men have fears too
He hasn't expressed it yet
But he's petrified of what I may do
Pulls me in to push me out
Back and forth like a fool
Battling doubts
Only committed to bickering about rejecting titles
So he calls me nothing
I am merely Sonya
His potential everything, his for now something, but his I revert to nothing so I can protect my feelings
And I protect his vanity by quietly abiding
But I know
I know...
Because once I begin to become unattached
He relentlessly panics and retaliates with mass messages
This reversal takes place during pivotal moments
I am sought out by another and his radar is sensitive
A sixth sense he has picked up through experiences
Somehow he wins me over
And the same complaints I publicly made about him?
They're curved into infinite compliments
In my head my friends will never understand this bond we break and mend
Because they will never fathom how weak he is
But I know
I know...
Fragile to love's concept
A coward at pursuing relationships
Frail with attempting to keep his options disclosed to one person
I may be that woman for him
And he knows...
He knows
But he's afraid.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
So as mentioned earlier...went to Brooklyn Bowl with G. Alexander and it was great. Have a lil vid, nothing crazy. I got bogged down with music choice so I used concert performances, which turned out to be fun to play around with.
I have always had a tendency to zone out pretty often. But as of late, I have found myself day dreaming more and more. Maybe it is because I have so much going on right now. And if it's not written all over my face, I wish someone could see what I see...
Hello World-
Hello World-
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Lost, I hope I find myself,
Dream chasing, Chasing dreams running outta breath with every step that I take left-
Dream chasing, Chasing dreams running outta breath with every step that I take left-
Right, left which way should I go when the fork come?
Trying to make it there before my deathbed-
Never sleeping reason I be yawning so much, arms stretched to the sky got me reaching for the stars go-
Is what them voices in my mind say,
Boy you gonna make it keep on going what my mom say-
That's what keeps me driving,
Forgive me but I'm doing it the highway-
Hollow walls, blackberry, laptop, ipod, plus its only me in my place-
Opportunity is at the door all up in my face,
And amidst the things in my way..........I can see it..
I spoke with G.Alexander earlier this week--he reminded what this was all about. For that, I'm grateful....
--Tre DeJean
Friday, June 25, 2010
Second To One
You’re second best
Silver medal
How could you settle?
How could you meddle?
With such a happy couple
Comfortable with interrupting their supper
His late night meetings
Excuses for her wonder
You partially own the evenings
Wake up alone to suffer
Possess nothing in the mornings
Other, than long-filled days of mourning plunder
All the while knowing
You will never possess his heart wholly
Repercussions of Manipulating the holy
Sanctity of their marriage but you’re selfish
Emotions are uncontrolled
So you take the backseat to his life as he cheats
His wife may know something but you risk it because your attention seeks
But doubt this one thing
When he says he will leave
Because the continuation of this “fling”
Has gone on for over a year yet there's a consistent lack in him committing
You are the problem behind their marriage breaking
And their baby carriage is pushed by two hands instead of four
The time adored, you long for more
So you compromise lunch breaks to turn knobs on new hotel doors
Pay the stays, left ignored
One day you checked his phone
His other half is at home
She sent a text saying it was the best sex they had right before he embarked himself in her presence
She knew she basked in her residue and scent
Completely stripped of self respect
I will never again risk my worth for a married man
From an outsider looking in...I took the perspective of a mistress in distress. I was sitting one day and just thought about scenarios I haven't written about involving situations I have never been in. More like a challenge posed to myself to see if I can write an out of body experience and have it be realistic enough to relate. Hope you enjoyed it.
Silver medal
How could you settle?
How could you meddle?
With such a happy couple
Comfortable with interrupting their supper
His late night meetings
Excuses for her wonder
You partially own the evenings
Wake up alone to suffer
Possess nothing in the mornings
Other, than long-filled days of mourning plunder
All the while knowing
You will never possess his heart wholly
Repercussions of Manipulating the holy
Sanctity of their marriage but you’re selfish
Emotions are uncontrolled
So you take the backseat to his life as he cheats
His wife may know something but you risk it because your attention seeks
But doubt this one thing
When he says he will leave
Because the continuation of this “fling”
Has gone on for over a year yet there's a consistent lack in him committing
You are the problem behind their marriage breaking
And their baby carriage is pushed by two hands instead of four
The time adored, you long for more
So you compromise lunch breaks to turn knobs on new hotel doors
Pay the stays, left ignored
One day you checked his phone
His other half is at home
She sent a text saying it was the best sex they had right before he embarked himself in her presence
She knew she basked in her residue and scent
Completely stripped of self respect
I will never again risk my worth for a married man
From an outsider looking in...I took the perspective of a mistress in distress. I was sitting one day and just thought about scenarios I haven't written about involving situations I have never been in. More like a challenge posed to myself to see if I can write an out of body experience and have it be realistic enough to relate. Hope you enjoyed it.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
If you know me, you know how I feel about music. And if we're close enough, I have probably put you on to something new (your welcome haha). Yesterday, MejaLOOK and I went to the Brooklyn Bowl to check out Dame Dash's new label; Blu Roc, basically introduce themselves to the world as a whole. The lineup was as follows: Camp Lo, Tabi Bonney, Rugz D. Bewler, Snakes Say Hiss, Stalley, Nesby Phips, The London Souls, Big K.R.I.T., Smoke DZA, Trademark Da Skydiver, and Curren$y. OH, and lets not forget the Sensei's; the Blu Roc in-house band that killed everything!
This concert didn't make me think music is amazing,...I already knew that. It did however, give me insight to how much better the music becomes when surrounded by individuals who appreciate it as much as I do. Then, there is nothing better.
(okay, ill get to the point)
I have decided that I've been selfish, and for that, I am sorry. Although I share my musical taste with my close friends, there are waaay more people in the world than my friends. And I'm assuming there are waaay more people who appreciate the music that I like. Why? Because the music I like is dope...duh. So, from now on, I will feature a mixtape every week, and give a review of what to look for.
Here's the kick: If I do this, and you decided to download it, you have to promise to LISTEN to it. No, you can't press play and get on the phone, or scramble through the songs to hear a familiar track, or listen to it while watching your favorite sitcom. None of that will work. You have to listen to the music for its content. If you can't, and decide it's not for you, don't worry...you weren't my type anyway haha. But for those who feel me, I promise to give my best.
-Oh yeah, and the concert was CRAZY. Thank you Dame for continuing to progress. You are providing some of the best energy I have seen in a while...you obviously still got some shit with you. (To understand what I am talking about, check out http://www.creativecontrol.tv/www/ )
Thanks for listening.
Oh...and I know I don't know everything. I am not above being "put-on". So, if you have any music for me, make my day. SEND IT PLEASE email address is located at the top of the page...
This concert didn't make me think music is amazing,...I already knew that. It did however, give me insight to how much better the music becomes when surrounded by individuals who appreciate it as much as I do. Then, there is nothing better.
(okay, ill get to the point)
I have decided that I've been selfish, and for that, I am sorry. Although I share my musical taste with my close friends, there are waaay more people in the world than my friends. And I'm assuming there are waaay more people who appreciate the music that I like. Why? Because the music I like is dope...duh. So, from now on, I will feature a mixtape every week, and give a review of what to look for.
Here's the kick: If I do this, and you decided to download it, you have to promise to LISTEN to it. No, you can't press play and get on the phone, or scramble through the songs to hear a familiar track, or listen to it while watching your favorite sitcom. None of that will work. You have to listen to the music for its content. If you can't, and decide it's not for you, don't worry...you weren't my type anyway haha. But for those who feel me, I promise to give my best.
-Oh yeah, and the concert was CRAZY. Thank you Dame for continuing to progress. You are providing some of the best energy I have seen in a while...you obviously still got some shit with you. (To understand what I am talking about, check out http://www.creativecontrol.tv/www/ )
And here's a very short, uncut clip from the concert...just a taste (no woah), more to come (no woah) haha:
Thanks for listening.
Oh...and I know I don't know everything. I am not above being "put-on". So, if you have any music for me, make my day. SEND IT PLEASE email address is located at the top of the page...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I yearn for you
Often wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweats
Wish upon a star one, two, three times to hope it’s been taken into consideration
Prayed on my hands and knees until they’ve bled for you on a daily basis
Your equivalency could be close to our perception of heaven
From the day I could understand complex concepts
I’ve said I’d earn you time and time again
That I’d attain you as a whole before my last breath
My desire is not correlated with fire
My comparison is oxygen
Yes it’s an obsession
A longing to live
Without setting it on this pedestal, existence would be meaningless
“Time” is of the “essence”
At least that’s what these magazines said
The media’s ideal way to allow you to survive alone on compost from the shit people are fed
I will never conform to propaganda, But I won’t let you die, I promise
Not after I:
Bent over backwards
Shed the most humbling tears
Felt like my heart was ripped out my chest
Faced greater than half of my fears
Spent days without rest
Dedicated all of my years
Every single accomplishment
I owe it to you my dear
I’ve only had you in bits
But I search for you by the chunks and sift through this world of opportunistic mess
To redundantly find you to be “the one”
Enduring all that is left in my right mind to design a plan and move ahead
I’m getting closer to you
I can see, taste, hear, feel, and smell you…Makes perfect sense
The main thing I fight to love for is

Often wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweats
Wish upon a star one, two, three times to hope it’s been taken into consideration
Prayed on my hands and knees until they’ve bled for you on a daily basis
Your equivalency could be close to our perception of heaven
From the day I could understand complex concepts
I’ve said I’d earn you time and time again
That I’d attain you as a whole before my last breath
My desire is not correlated with fire
My comparison is oxygen
Yes it’s an obsession
A longing to live
Without setting it on this pedestal, existence would be meaningless
“Time” is of the “essence”
At least that’s what these magazines said
The media’s ideal way to allow you to survive alone on compost from the shit people are fed
I will never conform to propaganda, But I won’t let you die, I promise
Not after I:
Bent over backwards
Shed the most humbling tears
Felt like my heart was ripped out my chest
Faced greater than half of my fears
Spent days without rest
Dedicated all of my years
Every single accomplishment
I owe it to you my dear
I’ve only had you in bits
But I search for you by the chunks and sift through this world of opportunistic mess
To redundantly find you to be “the one”
Enduring all that is left in my right mind to design a plan and move ahead
I’m getting closer to you
I can see, taste, hear, feel, and smell you…Makes perfect sense
The main thing I fight to love for is

-The Ivey League
Monday, June 21, 2010
What's your favorite color?
Who hasn't been asked that question countless times? I have, and every time, I end up saying the same thing..."My favorite color is blue, but I can't put my finger on the hue...I know I can only find it in the sky on certain days though...but every time I see it, I feel good" And that was the best I could do.
Learn something!
Happy Monday
I ran across this video again this morning, and realized; maybe Miles understood what I was saying...
Learn something!
Happy Monday
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Til' We Can't
Too often people tend to dwell on their situation at hand, which in turn, causes them to lose focus on their overall vision. I've never wanted to be the "would of, could of, should of" type--instead, I've found myself looking forward to, and embracing unforeseen, but inevitable adversity on this trip. In my opinion, these are the things we look back upon the most when we finally reach our destination. I went on that rant to say this.....
"It's amazing the things that we've been through, when we thought making it out was something that we couldn't do, nah, never that only stood strong, now because of that we steady move on!!"
"Til We Can't" produced by fellow lifer DreamHard http://limelinx.com/files/644121604e38b0946488a5494fe59d87
"It's amazing the things that we've been through, when we thought making it out was something that we couldn't do, nah, never that only stood strong, now because of that we steady move on!!"
"Til We Can't" produced by fellow lifer DreamHard http://limelinx.com/files/644121604e38b0946488a5494fe59d87
Thursday, June 17, 2010
To be or Not to be...
Wake Up!
Hmmm...where to begin...
Life, in its simplest form, is the most complicated experience I have ever endured. Throughout the last year, I had been through so many ups and downs that I had no clue where to where to go, what to do, or how to change my situation. I became blinded by my condition, and in turn, lost myself...in myself. Pain and frustration caused me to become stagnant to the point that it almost consumed me.
Then, one day I woke up.
I can't tell you where the light came from, or where I was, but when I recognized "it", everything made sense. I realized that the things I was pursuing were not in my heart. And while they were socially accepted, or even highly regarded, they just weren't me. For some, that works, and I am not knocking that...but I am way too passionate about life to be unaffected by the wrong path. So, I decided to change. And here I am...still stressed, still frustrated, still experiencing life. The only difference is, I am happy.
Finally, I realize that we all go through things. There are a million bumps and bruises in this lifetime. You can't avoid every detour. You may not win every time. But when you have a vision that you are passionate about, those trials become trivial.
So this is me, honestly. And I am ready for whatever.
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.- Andrew Carnegie
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Timing is Everything
Friday, June 4, 2010
A Memo
This is Ivey League.
So gon' envy the lifestyle
My arm is Dreamhard
Tre's socks are argyle
Both chasin time decked in Jordan shoes
And our boss is 6'8"
So he gotta good view
Of the future
So please watch us as we pace that
And as we chase time
I hope you brought bags
'Cause our eyes are to the sky
Clear view no masks
And my lil homie Zel got the soundtrack
So close your eyes and nod ya heads
And while you're on that
We are miles ahead
Plan and preparation
So the mouths are fed
Grind and dedication
That will stop when we are dead
We are
Steady livin' and shinin'
From Sunday to Sunday
Dream killers talk
We give no fucks to what a chump says
'Cause there is only one way
And that is toward the sky
They told us "pick a lane"
But we found a runway to fly...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Presidential Election

First and foremost, I would like to thank the youngest lifer on the roster Zel for the production on this one. Good look bud. I only expect the best and anything less is just practice.
Not sure who the quote belongs to, but this is what my nephew told me before this whole thing started:
--The man who expects nothing gets everything--
With that said----Wisdom isn't necessarily physical age. More so presence, understanding, and the will to actively learn, listen and love.
From the IVL ~~ Presidentials http://limelinx.com/files/13c1c8444ec88da7400f5c4c1a36e1de
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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