Too often people tend to dwell on their situation at hand, which in turn, causes them to lose focus on their overall vision. I've never wanted to be the "would of, could of, should of" type--instead, I've found myself looking forward to, and embracing unforeseen, but inevitable adversity on this trip. In my opinion, these are the things we look back upon the most when we finally reach our destination. I went on that rant to say this.....
"It's amazing the things that we've been through, when we thought making it out was something that we couldn't do, nah, never that only stood strong, now because of that we steady move on!!"
"Til We Can't" produced by fellow lifer DreamHard
"It's amazing the things that we've been through, when we thought making it out was something that we couldn't do, nah, never that only stood strong, now because of that we steady move on!!"
"Til We Can't" produced by fellow lifer DreamHard
Checks and balances never come without challenges...