Before our vision was complete with the endeavours and goals we wanted to accomplish through our artistic efforts, and creative drive -- "Ivey League" was just a term used to describe our educational backgrounds. Through growth as a team, and collective unit, it has become more of a lifestyle. As youth, we spend a decent amount of time in classrooms learning things we are "supposed" to learn, for success in life. One thing I have found sitting in between those 4 walls with sounds of screeching chalk, and at times, seemingly pointless lectures is that there is much more to be explored, and educated upon in our days.
I would like to introduce J.Foss (pictured above with me @ the studio during a day of recording for 2 Busy Dreamin'), who throughout our friendship has never ceased to lend a helping hand to others, as well as share experiences and perspective on life's happenings. From how to defend yourself when attacked by a bear or mountain lion (haha actually great info Foss that could one day save my life being the adventurer I am), to lessons about having confidence in ourselves and having an open mind to learn about something we wouldn't in a classroom, amongst much more...life is more than the good grade you got in your favorite subject, and there is a lesson to be learned every single day. I encourage all you league-sters to keep your ears and eyes open to everything going on around you even when it seems there is no educational gain...Even the homeless guy on the corner has a lesson for you...How do you think he got there in the first place? -- Life's Lessons 101...who's signing up...
"The man that knows something knows that he knows nothing at all" -- Erykah Badu
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