Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I know
I know...
Men have fears too
He hasn't expressed it yet
But he's petrified of what I may do
Pulls me in to push me out
Back and forth like a fool
Battling doubts
Only committed to bickering about rejecting titles
So he calls me nothing
I am merely Sonya
His potential everything, his for now something, but his I revert to nothing so I can protect my feelings
And I protect his vanity by quietly abiding
But I know
I know...
Because once I begin to become unattached
He relentlessly panics and retaliates with mass messages
This reversal takes place during pivotal moments
I am sought out by another and his radar is sensitive
A sixth sense he has picked up through experiences
Somehow he wins me over
And the same complaints I publicly made about him?
They're curved into infinite compliments
In my head my friends will never understand this bond we break and mend
Because they will never fathom how weak he is
But I know
I know...
Fragile to love's concept
A coward at pursuing relationships
Frail with attempting to keep his options disclosed to one person
I may be that woman for him
And he knows...
He knows
But he's afraid.